The guide's familiarity with the classical culture took the scholar by surprise. 导游对古典文化的熟稔使学者大为吃惊。
Hobbes was a gifted classical scholar. 霍布斯是一个有天赋的古典学者。
A classical scholar, ie an expert in Latin and Greek A literary work of ancient Greece or Rome. 研究古希腊与古罗马文学艺术的学者(拉丁文与希腊文专家)
To classical scholar, rhetoric was important in three spheres of human interaction: in law courts, in legislative assemblies, and in public forums. 对正统的学者来讲,花言巧语在人类交流中三个方面法庭辩论,立法汇编和公众讨论中比较重要。
Liu Chang a light-type cultural identity, from the Song of the spirit of the Song Dynasty with the wind, three aspects of classical Chinese sports Liu Chang style of writing the reasons for the formation of an attempt to comprehensively grasp the renowned scholar Liu Chang article. 论文结合宋型文化特征,从宋学精神、宋代士风、古文运动三方面分析刘敞文风形成的原因,试图全面把握刘敞这一著名学者的文章。